Arizona section in Russian newspaperAnd ARC closed improper bank account, removed presidentRussian Arizona News — April 22, 2009 (Updated April 25, 2009) |
![]() About 20 people attended the organizational dinner-meeting for the newspaper project. Guests included the owner of the newspaper Ekho Nedeli (Echo Weekly) and a writer from Moscow.
The meeting opened with a presentation by writer Natalia Gagarina. She talked about her motivation for writing and world travels for researching her books about people and culture. She entertained many questions. A lively discussion emerged when she expressed her opinion that the Islamic world may offer the best culture. She described Russian cultural centers in many countries and hopes the Arizona Russian Center will continue to grow. She sold several copies of two of her recent books: «Раскачивая любовь... » (Raskachivaia liubov', Rocking love) and «Девушка из снов» (Devushka is snov, Girl from a dream). The publisher of the Russian-language newspaper Ekho Nedeli (Эхо Недели, Echo Weekly), Enrico Patkhov from Vista, California (north of San Diego), attended to confirm his offer to publish an Arizona section to be arranged by the ARC. He also brought copies of his new 2009 "Arizona Russian Informational Directory: Русский Yellow Pages" to hand out. Directories are free at the Russian stores, restaurants, and other locations throughout Arizona. The Arizona newspaper section will be one large sheet folded in the paper, 4 pages. It is estimated to be printed about 2 times per month, every other week. The plan is for about 10 or more advertising sponsors to contribute about twice per month to support this project. Several Russian businesses in Arizona already regularly advertise in the same paper, and their representatives said they will support this project. Also announced were the news staff — editor Elena Viator, reporter Igor Bavrin, and advertising sales Slava Lerner. All were born in Russia and have experience for their respective positions. Elena is from Komosomol'sk-na-Amure, Amur province, and was head of programming for youth radio, a TV channel, and a editor of a newspaper. Igor is majoring in business at Arizona State University. Slava already has sold some of the advertising slots.
These staff positions will be paid part-time from advertising sales. E-mail articles to AZ Russian For more questions, phone: 602- 432- 6268 (English or Russian). The first trial edition is scheduled to be distributed in Arizona about May 1. ARC closed improper bank account and removed president In late December of 2008 the ARC bank manager had noticed that a suspicious bank account was opened by the then ARC President Tatiana Bagmanova, with only one signature shown for withdrawals. Accounting security requires at least 2 signatures to enable withdrawal of funds from a non-profit organization. The bank manager called the ARC Directors to question this new account. An emergency meeting of the board of directors was held. The board and all administrative staff present voted to close the questioned account, and to remove Bagmanova from office of director and from office of president. For Bagmanova's failure to return ARC property, she was also expelled from ARC. The position of ARC president is currently vacant. This is a position of responsibility which requires good bi-lingual and non-profit organization operations skills, diplomacy and an ability to relate well with different segments of the Russian Community in Arizona. In the mean time, Patkhov needed a photo for the ARC page in his 2009 Russian Yellow Pages. Because the photo would be printed in low resolution black and white, he insisted on showing only one person instead of a group photo of the entire board of directors, so a photo of vice-president Chaikeeva was selected to represent ARC. Loses due to Bagmanova are reported to have been more than $1000. The ousted Bagmanova then enlisted the webmaster Boris to join her in an attack using ARC e-mail accounts and the web site. After a few days the ARC retrieved control of their e-mail and web site accounts. And the position of webmaster is also vacant. The ARC realizes that Bagmanova's leadership style and management skills were limited because she was trained in the old Soviet system. She had only partially adjusted to and understood some American culture, language and business practices; and she had a hard time trying to use her computer. She appeared to have wrongfully assumed that she was the absolute boss / director / president of ARC, without consulting the governing board of directors. Bagmanova's business practices which may have been okay in the former Soviet Union, and most of the world, are illegal in the US. More later... As the organization is growing, talented and qualified volunteers are needed. |
Newspaper offered for Arizona RussiansEkho Nedelia offers 4 pages, volunteers needed |
March 25, 2009 (Updated April 22,
The Russian-language newspaper Ekho Nedeli (Echo Weekly) is offereing 4 pages for Russian Arizona news. The offer depends on advertising support and volunteer reporters. The cost for the 4-page section will be about $1200 per issue to be paid by advertiser-sponsors and donations. Anywone can submit by e-mailing news stories and articles in Russian, with images, to the Arizona Russian Center. Articles will be evaluated, maybe edited, and forwarded to the publisher. It is hoped to print an Arizona section several times a year, hopefully monthly, in every 4th issue. There is no charge or pay for articles, but they should be of general interest, press realeases, events, etc. and not pure business advertising. Professionals can submit advice columns or provide news worthy information in their field. For example a Realtor can describe how to buy a foreclosed house. A barber can tell about getting a good shave. A car salesman can discuss car maintenance. An organization can report a past or upcoming events. "Echo Weekly" is one of several Russian-language newpapers distributed free in the US. It can be found at 40 locations in Arizona — Russian stores, restaurants and other businesses where it arrives on Thursdays. The web site offers national Russian-language news that mentions Arizona, but sporatic local news generated by Russian immigrantsin Arizona. This arrangement aims to fill that gap in reporting. Phone Olga for more information: 602-432-6268. Email stories to:,. E-mail announcement: Здравствуйте! Я хотела бы поделиться с Вами предоставленной Русскому Центру возможностью от газеты "Эхо Недели" печатать отдельные 2 листа только про нашу жизнь здесь, в Аризоне. В настоящий момент собирается группа людей, которые заинтересованы принимать постоянное или частичное участие в написании и подборке материалов. Если кто-то из Вас заинтересован в участии, то позвоните, пожалуйста, мне напрямую или пришлите отзыв на данный адрес : Если у кого-то будут любые предложения по рубрикам, то мы будем рады это обсудить. Работа над проектом только начинается. В ближайшее время в нашем офисе состоится первое собрание по данному вопросу, и я буду договариваться с каждым о приемлемом времени встречи. Зарание спасибо за внимание! С уважением,
Ольга Ш. от Русского Центра Аризоны. (602) 432-6268 |