G.C.C. Russian Club News
Volume 2 Issue 1 September-October, 1998
upcoming events
Sat., October 3, 1998 - 7 pm
- The Mineral Water Region of Russia by Tanya Vakhlakova
- History of matrioshki (stacked dolls) by Andy Conovaloff. Bring yours to photo for our web site.
- Russian movie!
- Popcorn, soda, chai and cookies provided.
and advisor
Click on name to send e-mail
Co-Advisor:Polina Smith -- 915-9376
Regina Lamb -- 996-9069
Daniel Whiteley -- 934-8074
Andy Conovaloff -- 894-0031
David Rodriguez -- 435-3125
Joyce Story -- 435-3686
BY ANASTASIAThe Culture Corner will return next month. Anastacia is in the Ukraine experiencing Ukrainian Culture.
Russian Cuisine
Russian Cuisine will return next month. Anyone with recipes to share, please contact Polina @ 915-9376
Dorogie Club Members!
Welcome back to a new year, filled with wondrous and exciting events. We were glad to see so many at our last meeting--24! It was especially nice to have so many Russian natives (8) in attendance.
We were glad to have so many great ideas given for club activities, and the new board is working feverishly to organize them for you.
Mr. Rodrieguez, our new advisor, will contact the NAU Russian Club to see if we could have a combined activity with them in Flagstaff in November. Dr. Story has a very hectic workload this year, but will still be with us as a co-advisor. Just as a reminder, we voted at last meeting to raise the dues to two dollars a semester. If you haven’t paid, please see Daniel.
The Russian club table at the club fair went really well. Thanks to Ann Chisholm and Mary Wasser-Nelson for all their help in manning the table. The Russian Club banner that Judy Cary made for us last year looked really sharp above the table.
GCC’s Annual Readfest is coming at the end of October and they need volunteers to help as campus guides for 3,000 kids. There will be more information on this event and upcoming activities at the next meeting. Come and learn what is up, so you won’t be left out in the cold.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting!
-- Polina
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