Intl. Agent: Kyrgyz Concept Date Entry: May 17, 2005 Today's Date: May 28, 2005 Days Unplaced: 10 |
ISE Program: 05/06 SY Region: South West |
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Religious Info
Band: no | Orchestra: no | Est. GPA: |
Last Grade Completed: 9th grade | Years of English: 6 | Convalidation needed: no |
Allergies | Animal: no | Medical Allergies: no | Other: no |
Interests: basketball biking bowling camping computers family activities hiking hunting jogging movies music photography picnics raising animals school activities snow sports soccer swimming table tennis tennis traveling visiting relatives writing | |||
Comments: Samat
is a outgoing and curious young person. He is very interested in the
American culture and how things are done here with our government since
his country was Totalitarian until 1991. He goes to an all boys school
in the town of Tokmok, east from Bishkek. Tokmok Kyrgyz is a Turkish
high school that dorms boys five days a week. Since losing his father,
Samat's mother is raising three children on her own. He helps out
around the house and any other way that he can. Samat hopes to come
here to America to learn about a new culture and learn english at an
advanced level. |