Germans from Russia Gathering
Saturday, 6 March 1999
Civic Center Library, Scottsdale, Arizona
9:30 am to 11:30 am, then lunch
You are invited to a free public showing of the new video documentary
The Germans from Russia: Children of the Steppe, Children of the Prairie
A new 60-minute documentary video about the Germans from Russia will be shown at the Civic Center Library on Saturday, March 6 from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, lunch afterward. The Library is located at 3839 Civic Center Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ, near 75th Street and Scottsdale Road. (2 blocks south of Indian School Road and across from the Scottsdale Mall. See general road map and detailed Civic Center map. The library is closest to the intersection of 75th Street and First Street.)
The documentary is a very powerful visual telling of the unique story of the Germans from Russia--past, present and future. Germans from Russia, one of the many strongly knit ethnic groups that settled the prairie, migrated not once--but twice! When Catherine the Great of Russia offered land to German farmers longing for farms of their own, they never dreamed they would have to resettle half a world away before their dreams would come true. This enthralling documentary chronicles the history of one of the most important ethnic groups on the prairie. Filming includes outstanding footage from the former German villages near Odessa and from Crimea, Ukraine, in 1996, 1997, and 1998; the cemetary (shown); and scenes of the AHSGR and GRHS headquarters. More information about the old south Ukraine is listed at the Bessarabia Home Page. Following the showing, Professor Michael M. Miller, the Germans from Russia Bibliographer from North Dakota State University (NDSU) library, will add comments and answer questions. Miller is shown below in a grain field near Odessa, Ukraine, 1998.
The program is jointly sponsored by the Sun Chapter of AHSGR, Prairie Public Broadcasting (PPB), and the NDSU Libraries, Fargo, North Dakota. Almost a quarter of a million dollars--donations from the German-Russian community, corporations, and public grants--was spent producing this video. The documentary is a joint project of PPB and the NDSU Libraries copyrighted in 1999. You can order you own copy from the NDSU library or PPB.
Please mark March 6 on your calendar and invite your friends to this educational event. You may make luncheon reservations for your group shortly after noon following the program. Here are four good restaurants that are near to the library:
- Holiday Inn Restaurant, 7353 E. Indian School Road (994-9203)
- Blue Moose, 7353 E. Scottsdale Mall (949-7959)
- Back Stage, 7373 E. Scottsdale Mall (949-1697)
- Los Olivos Mexico Patio, 7328 E. 2nd St (946-2256)
There are other restaurants nearby also.
If you have questions, please call Larry Haas at 602-583-2040. (E-mail:, or to GCC Russian Club Home Page